Fruitful Tips When Applying For Work-Study Jobs

In this blog today, I will share my experience of applying to work-study jobs and give you guys some helpful tips if you are still in the process of applying!

7 Ways to Be More Flexible at Work or On a Team

Flexibility is an invaluable skill to have in the professional world. In this article, we’ll be going over seven different ways you can be more flexible while working in a job or on a team.

Balancing Schoolwork With Other Obligations

As students, we’re often working on multiple assignments at once. Deadlines for classes tend to overlap, and we spend some time each week figuring out how to best utilize our time for the dozens of things we have to do. This can be a harder process to figure out if you’re balancing work, extracurriculars, studying for a standardized test, as well as personal life. Sometimes, we feel that we don’t have enough hours in the day for all our responsibilities, and we end up neglecting our obligations. I have run into the same problem various times over the years. Below, I will be giving my tips for maintaining a balance in your life.

Overcoming Failure and Pushing Forward

Failure is something we all struggle with, but at times it can be difficult to push ourselves to overcome it. This article goes through the steps to take when dealing with failure and how to push yourself on the path to achieving success.

9 Skills that Will Help You Resolve Conflict at Work

In this article, we’ll be going over different methods for conflict resolution. These skills include active listening, compromising, and maintaining your composure.

Tackling The Toxicity of Hustle Culture

In today’s blog, I will be discussing what is hustle culture, how over-indulgence can become detrimental to our minds and bodies, and ways to combat the toxicity of hustle culture.

Why should you start utilizing Google Calendar?

Here’s my case for why you should use google calendar. It not only makes your life much easier, but makes it more utilized. This service is easily integrated to your life and very easy to use.

10 Tips for Success as an Engineering Student

In this article, we’ll be going through 10 tips on how to be a successful engineering student.