How I Stayed Organized (and Survived) my Freshman Year at an Ivy League Institution

These time management tips serve as a guide for college students. Given that there is not a fixed lifestyle routine in college, prioritization and organization are the foundations of success.

Why should you start utilizing Google Calendar?

Here’s my case for why you should use google calendar. It not only makes your life much easier, but makes it more utilized. This service is easily integrated to your life and very easy to use.

University of Florida: What I Wish I Knew my Freshman Year

As a student who moved to a new area and just started living in a dorm with people, who I just met, life at college was a huge change to me. Being a Pre-med student did not help with alleviating that stress. Throughout my first two years at the University of Florida, I have learned a great deal of things I wish I had learned earlier when I was first starting college.