Things to Consider if You’re Taking Classes at Institutions Other Than Your University

Wherever you go to school, there’s bound to be those notable, extremely difficult classes that many majors end up having to take. These classes can bring your GPA down, be unorganized, or simply not at the depth you want to learn the material at. Whatever your reason is, for many of these popular and commonly-taken classes (often prerequisites, but upper-levels are also usually included) you will have options to take these classes elsewhere and fulfill the requirement required by your institution.

The Importance of Speaking with an Advisor and Fact-Checking

Once you get to university, talking to an advisor might not be at the top of your list. Maybe you’ve spent some time getting to know your major and the coursework it entails, and you know exactly what you’re going to do. That’s great! However, a major resource that can often be overlooked at university is the resource that comes with connecting with an advisor who understands your goals and guides you to achieve them.

FGLIMed 2020 Webinar: Tips for pre-med FGLI students

FGLIMed 2020: Becoming Visible: Celebrating Community & Identity. I attended the Yale School of Medicine’s First-Gen & Low-Income webinar and here are my key takeaways.

Tips for Academic Success: My Favorite College Resources

I have listed my favorite college resources. Look at the takeaways for the advice I wish I knew when I started college.

Study Tips : How to Succeed in Your Classes

We don’t all learn the same way and that’s completely okay! While taking notes on lecture might be sufficient for your roommate- you might benefit from drawing out concepts. The point is it is crucial to find out, sooner rather than later, what works best for you.