A Guide to the Ronald E. McNair Scholar Program

The Ronald E. McNair Scholar program is a federally funded program spanning across 151 collegiate institutions in the United States and Puerto Rico.  Designed by the U.S. Department of Education, the program is intended to prepare undergrads for Doctoral studies by immersing them in research opportunities and scholarly activities. Participants are either first generation college students, or members of a racial or ethnic group that has been oppressed in history leading to underrepresented percentages in Graduate education/Doctoral degrees.

The Importance of Speaking with an Advisor and Fact-Checking

Once you get to university, talking to an advisor might not be at the top of your list. Maybe you’ve spent some time getting to know your major and the coursework it entails, and you know exactly what you’re going to do. That’s great! However, a major resource that can often be overlooked at university is the resource that comes with connecting with an advisor who understands your goals and guides you to achieve them.

Interdisciplinary Classes: Full of Academic Opportunities

Today, I will be talking about what are interdisciplinary classes and the advantages of taking those courses during your college experience. I will also be sharing a personal story of mine that helped me realize how essential interdisciplinary classes can be.  

Why Joining Online Extracurriculars May Not Be So Bad

In this post, I will be discussing why joining online extracurriculars may not be so bad – especially during these tumultuous times.

What I Wish I Knew About Writing My College Resume

The tips and tricks I have learned over the past few years have allowed me to apply to numerous internships and land many positions in healthcare, even as a student with very little experience.

What is Social Capital and How Do You Leverage It To Help You?

When you have built apt social capital you get the feeling that people”have your back” throughout your experiences. Networking does not come with a guarantee of getting something in return, but it can be helpful in ways that you may not expect even if it doesn’t end up in a new job or connection.