Prioritizing your Mental Health During the COVID-19 and Online-Learning Era

Hustle culture is no joke. If you’re not interning at renown corporations, involved in 10+ organizations, and working, you most likely feel like, “what am I doing with my life.” The problem with this is not you- it’s normal to focus on your growth and take things slowly. The “hustle” life and amount of accolades on your resume does not define the quality and efficiency of your impact in this world.

Dramatic Ways a Global Pandemic can affect College Admissions: What should you do?

Along with disrupting the lives of everyone around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected the college admissions process. Uncertainties about acceptances, financial aid, standardized testing, and extracurriculars have dominated the conversations amidst this process.

How To Prepare For Remote Interviews

Today, I will be discussing a few tips and tricks that I’ve learned through experience on how to be well-prepared for any type of interview.

Ways to Maximize Your Productivity During Online School

With the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools moved to online school, utilizing Zoom and other virtual technology to teach students and give assessments. For students, this was a huge shift from life in the classroom to learning from the comfort of their own home. Now, with schools possibly going online for the fall semester, there may be an increased sense of anxiety and stress among students, especially for those who struggle with learning outside of the classroom.

Tips for Adjusting to Online Schooling

As the spread of COVID-19 becomes increasingly widespread and in many places, showing no signs of stopping, many schools and universities and have begun to announce their plans for the upcoming fall semester. Students have been eagerly awaiting the news, and many of them want to be able to return to campuses, having been away for months amidst a sudden closure due to the pandemic. Many universities are doing a hybrid semester, consisting of both in-person and online classes, while others are going fully online.