Combating Hunger On the United States College Campus

In today’s blog, I will be discussing what is food insecurity, how much of a problem it has become for many college students, and ways to combat food insecurity and unstable housing on campus. 

Virtual Volunteering: Tutor K-12 Students Whose Parents are Medical/Hospital Staff in NYC During the COVID-19 Pandemic with Columbia Volunteer Tutor Corps

The General Intelligence(s) team came across a post on Instagram from Columbia Volunteer Tutor Corps. We believe that their mission and goals align well with our organization and thus we wanted to communicate their initiative. Columbia Volunteer Tutor Corps is currently recruiting volunteers that can teach different K-12 subjects and courses to students in the NYC area that are the children of medical staff and hospital workers.

Virtual Volunteering: How YOU Can Help

In this article I’ll be talking about some interesting volunteer opportunities I came across while trying to find something to do during social isolating. My state, Michigan, has currently extended our Stay at Home order so this is the perfect opportunity to get a head start on helping the community in creative ways.