Do You Want to Promote Actual Positive Change? Start by Stopping Performative Activism

Coverage of the Black Lives Matter protests have severely declined these past few weeks even though the momentum of the protests still continues. Read about performative activism’s role in that decline.

Healthcare in the Age of Racial Justice

During this time of social unrest, it is hard to imagine that we are in the middle of a pandemic that has claimed the lives of over 100,000 Americans. This pandemic, however, fits into the current conversation about racial justice; Black Americans are overwhelmingly more likely to contract and die from COVID-19 than White Americans or other people of color. Healthcare inequity contributes to the piles of evidence that illustrate the effects of deep-seated racism in the foundations of our society.

A Silent Epidemic: The Affordable Housing Crisis

Many people refer to housing as, “the key to reducing intergenerational poverty and increasing economic mobility.” If that is the case, then we should be taking steps to address our affordable housing crisis.

History of Discrimination Against Black People in Dallas, Texas

I offer some historical context that can be used to explain the protests to family and friends and as a way to start dismantling anti-blackness within non-black communities through education. The history is specifically for Dallas, Texas.

Avoiding Performative Activism: How to Support and Educate Yourself #BlackLivesMatter

Performative Activism has become rampant on social media in response to recent events. In this, I go over statistics, books and documentaries to be better informed and what you can do to help.

How to Truly Show Solidarity

As a non-black person, I have no right to input and co-opt during these matters, but I do know that non-black folk can show solidarity by offering support. It isn’t about politics, it is about being a human being. With that, I want to share three ways to show solidarity during these times.