MCAT Study Tips

The process of studying for the MCAT is one of the most anxiety-provoking times for med students. It is considered the first step towards reaching their dream of becoming a doctor. It requires a lot of studying and effort put into it. If you are a med student ready to embark on this journey and preparing for the MCAT, this article presents to you a couple of tips to get you through the stress.

10 Must- Watch Money Youtubers for Students:

If you are a university student and you are looking for different methods and ways in order to save money, make money, open up your own small business, or just learn about investing and budgeting, then I believe that YouTube offers you a huge range of videos related to all these different financial literacy topics.

How To Look After Your Mental Health In College

Taking good care of your mental health when you start college should be your top priority. It can very exciting to start this new chapter of your life, but it also means that you’re going to experience a lot of changes on your own. Going to college means starting a whole new phase without the guidance of your parents or family members. This can be stressful to some students because it means leaving home and exploring new things without help from anyone. New campus, new friends, and new experiences will bring you so much joy. However, it might also make you stressed and worried.

The Role Research Plays in The Advancement of Society

If you have ever wondered what is the importance of research or why do humans even do research, then continue reading to find out how research has contributed to the growth and evolution of the society we live in.