Why You Should Take Humanities Classes as a Premedical Student (or any type of student)

An opinion piece on the importance of taking humanities classes as a premedical student.

How To Find Research Opportunities As A Premedical Student

A list of tried and proven tips to be successful in finding research opportunities.

How One Leap of Faith Led to Valuable Lessons : Medical Shadowing

I surprised myself that day. I did something that was so out of character, yet something that brought me closer to my dreams. Funny it worked out that way because I didn’t know how that one action, so completely out-of-the-box for me, would shift my outlook and strengthen my goals. A neurosurgeon came to speak to my high school’s pre-medical society my sophomore year.

The Danger of A “Dream” School: The Alarming Way Our Higher Education System Failed Us

As time goes on, an increasing number of high school students are starting to operate on the Ivy League mentality and attaching themselves to what they deem a “dream” school. Here I describe the danger of having that mentality and how it is a direct result of our flawed higher education system.